From the main Dashboard screen click the Add New Beverage button at the bottom of the screen.
Next let’s select that type of beverage you are adding from the pull down Type menu. The beverage type can be shown on some of the menu layouts.
The Status pull down menu allows you to indicate the current status of the beverage. Using this you can add beverages before they are available and make them as Coming Soon or Fermenting that way everyone looking at the menu knows what you have now and what is going to be available in the future. Some of the layouts can display this information.
If you have a BeerXML recipe file you can click the Select BeerXML Recipe File button to quickly fill in a lot of the information otherwise fill in each of the fields with the beverage information.
An example beverage is shown below.
Click the BJCP Category tab (if it’s a beer you are adding) and then select the BJCP Category Name to fill in all of the information about that style of beer.
The packaging tab allows you to select if the beverage is On Tap and if so what the Tap Number is. You can also use this section to keep track of the beverage volumes and or inventory counts. Clicking on the In Bottles, In Cans, In Growlers and or In Kegs will allow those options to be shown on some layouts. On this screen you can also load your own images for these items which can be shown on the menu in place of one of the built in images.
Appearance Tab is where you configure how you want the beverage to be displayed on the menu and what information you want to be shown.
In the Font And Style Customization section you can change the font as well as bold, italic, underline and colors for each of the following items: Beverage Name, Brewery Name, Beverage Description, Stats and BJCP information. When you configure your layout you can choose to show the menu using these options or have the layout use it’s font configuration for all of the beverages. This allows you to have different fonts for each of the beverages or have all of the beverages shown with the same font.
In this section you can check / uncheck what information you want to make available to the menu. If the option has a check in it and the layout has a section for that information then the beverage information will be shown. This allows you to hide information such as IBU and SRM from beverages like Wine.
In this section you choose how you want the menu to look (glass style that is). The glass / keg / can will be colored with the beverage’s SRM color. In the case of the wine glass it will be colored based on the Beverage Type you selected.
The Pricing Tab allows you to select sizes and prices and if you want those displayed on the menu. You can also record the costs for this beverage on this screen. NOTE: Only the professional version of BOSS allows pricing to be shown.
To add a size and price to the menu simply choose a size from the pull down menu then type in a price (for example $6). To show that option on the menu put a check mark in the Show On Menu for that size.
Here is where you can record the cost information for this beverage.
The last thing to do is save this beverage! Click the Save Changes button to save the beverage.
Your beverage will now show up on the Beverages List. If at any time you want to edit the beverage simply click on that beverage and the beverage information will be shown on the right side.